
Saturday, 28 April 2012

Departure and Arrival...

Something promised to be posted long ago..

Departure is from LCCT to Macau, with the 4hours ++ flight duration.

Playing Sudoku is how I spent my time during the long awaiting time and along the journey to Macau beside sleeping. Well, photos session too.. Quite nice to look down from the plane when you see  all the houses become small like boxes. Somehow, the 'aerial' photo makes me thought of SIV and I actually wandered if those aerial photos taken like this or with the used of helicopter.

Notice board..Flight No..Flight Ticket..And yea...THE AIR PLANE!!!! lol I was actually quite excited while seeing this aeroplane..I sit on an air plane before but is not like this. THIS!!! is not the usual aeroplane which you have tunnels that lead into it.. THIS!!! It use stairs for you to climb up into the aeroplane...and...THIS!!! makes me think of the SCENE in the movie..Those action movies which you have helicopters and air planes stopping there and the heroes going or running there with strong wind blowing... Ok...I know it might sounds a bit retarded... But.. I seriously imagining myself walking towards the air plane like what those 'heroes' did in the movie.. =x

The view is really really nice..with the white clouds and blue sky.. And while looking outside.. My imagination gone wild again with all those anime series images..OnePiece especially..They have episodes talking about the island which exist on top of the sky and the clouds act as the sea.. Oh I can feel the softness of the clouds and I have a feeling that I can swim inside.. (Poisoned by anime =x) Looking out far but can't find a sign of Laputa..(jumping to Hayao Miyazaki's Laputa: Castle in the Sky)

One thing different between Hong Kong and Malaysia.. While we were taking photos outside the air plane like the first two pictures.. The air steward was actually joking with us about what pose should we do to make the photo look nicer..LOL.. However, when we try to take photo like what we did at Hong Kong.. The guard actually running towards and shouting: NO PHOTOS ALLOWED...GET INTO THE PLANE NOW!!.. And we goes like: oh okay..sorry.. To be honest, I don't really know photos are not allowed and we are supposed to walk continuously without stopping.. Thus, the last two photos were taken from the plane showing the sky of Hong Kong...lol

*Should I say that Malaysians '太有人情味' or Hong Kong's people are too disciplinary.. =) 
This stuff actually comes to my mind and was thinking about it. While crossing the kastam from Malaysia to Hong Kong, those officers will actually greet or smile to you or at least their face won't look like 'you owe me something'. Well, a bit of culture shock at Hong Kong when they actually 'throw' my passport back to me. The action just make me feel like when the teacher is angry to you and they put your exercise book in front of you with the literally action 'throw'. You will hear a 'pak' sound. Then I told my dad, why? I feel like so innocent for being 'scold'. (lol its just a word describing the feeling after you get scold.. They did not actually scold me.. Not even a word spoken also) Then my dad say, they are just doing their job and this is how Hong Kong's officer act: strict and serious.( here comes the point again..should I say Malaysia's officer is so much friendly or they aren't strict enough to scare people? haha) But I am quite happy when I arrived back to LCCT seeing those friendly officers. Somehow, although they don't smile or wave like the 'friendly' friendly, I still can feel the friendliness... Now I know why people like Malaysia. lol. 

Here comes to the end for the airport, airplane stuff.. Next up will be the 1st day of Macau Trip =)



  1. wear those long coats, stand bside the plane, take a photo when the wind blows..and u r a heroine

  2. y urs terbalik one @@ supposely up stair is normal LOL
    lucky u came across nice airhostress.. its strictly prohibited to take pictures in the vicinity of airport act even in Msia ><
