
Sunday, 3 August 2014




Friday, 16 May 2014




阿姨那天说,快要脱离苦海咯~ 我说:然后跳向另一个苦海…


Monday, 3 March 2014


随着越来越多社交网站的存在,写博客的人相对地减少了。是啊,微博什么的确实是方便多了。可是,还是习惯开着我自己的博客听着歌打些有的没的。每个人都太忙了,谁能真正地停下脚步静下心来听一些无关紧要的牢骚呢?而,那些加了一堆有的没的的社交网站与明星的舞台太过相似。也许,越来越多人需要引起众人的关注从而获得些许安慰吧?翻开电话联络簿,从中学开始到现在认识的朋友,即使有些很久没有联络了;即使他们可能换了电话却还是让它静静地躺在联络簿里不想让它消失。仿佛只要删了就连最后一点联系也断了… 可是,真正可以厚着脸皮不管三更半夜都把人吵起来听你说胡话的应该连一个也没有吧?

有时候,只是想说一说。可是亲近的人听了会担心,陌生的人听了也许幸灾乐祸,有点熟的听了也许只想着随便给点建议把你打发… 好多时候,都在听别人说。曾经在无意中发现原来我给别人的印象是那么的阳光,好似不管有什么烦恼都能很轻松地就让我解决掉了。想说,那也只是事不关己而已所以才能说得那么轻松啊。某人曾经说过,你也会耍忧郁的吗?(俗称 emo )我以为你与这种东西无缘?是啊,我与 emo 无缘可是我也没有责任要逗别人开心啊。小丑的眼泪都遮掩在那个永远很大很阳光的笑容背后啊… 是什么时候开始,再也不把自己的不开心和别人说了呢?其实,那些把别人的不开心当成笑话到处宣扬的人很可恶。

习惯,有时还真是个可怕的东西啊?习惯了你给予的温暖,想抽身是才发现不知何时已经从岸上走入了泥泞。越使力想要爬出反而陷得越深… 总是担心这样攥着不属于自己的气球,它们会因爲太过渴望飞向蓝天的自由而自我毁灭~ 所以,我好像越来越懦弱越来越胆小了呢; 因爲害怕被抛弃所以宁愿自己先对别人残忍;因爲害怕被伤害所以为了保护自己而先伤害别人;到底是什么时候,开始学习刺猬般总是卷缩这身体将最尖利的武器向着外面呢?对不起,对于那些被我有意无意刺伤的人;即使,道歉也许也无法挽回什么。可是,还是无可避免地总是逃避现实,当着那以为将头埋到沙堆里就没事的鸵鸟。



其实,现在心情不好很想哭啊~ 都怪某人在那里乱说什么我只是同情他……同情心才没有那么泛滥好吗?(抱膝)

Random #11



Monday, 10 February 2014

Random #10


也对啦,谁会真的像我们那么疯狂说走就走~ 那时候只是在和阿公闲聊抱怨很久没去吹海风了,然后阿公说:走,现在刚好得空。然后短信住在附近的黄先生:喂,上MSN,有东西要和你说!

不过,最后还真的成行了…我换衣说要去PD 的时候室友看着我:你在开玩笑?!现在半夜12点了!!

啊,忘了当时听到我们的电话大声讲:sot 的啊你们?!可是最后还是跑来38 的杜先生~

对了,当时阿公很坚持说要为这个相册取一个很爆炸性的名字,结果呕心沥血:他妈的超疯狂刺激沙滩夜游记 就此成立~ 当时明明就说别 po 在 facebook 的,因爲我会被老妈轰炸~ 结果他们竟然。。。(都是某个笨蛋阿公惹的祸,你没事加我妈的Fb 告状干嘛啦 >.<


Tuesday, 28 January 2014


The very long duration exam period has finally ended on 21st January. The mood to study has totally gone and the only feeling I had before having the last paper was: Time passes to slow, I cant wait to go into the exam hall and finish this one last paper. Though I thought most of them had finish their exam, but yea, library is still crowded with people. And some of them just don't know the meaning of 'Silent zone' which make me feel like giving them a punch right into their face. >.< 

I know I used to say that I will never go library to study back in year 1. I rather stay inside my room or just go to the kitchen to study just to avoid these kind of 'sound pollution' which pisses me off. But, after moving out from uni hostel, the room is just too hot and the tables are getting smaller and smaller after I move again to TTS 5. Whatever.. Its final year and its going to end soon and who knows I shall be missing every single thing in the future including exams. =x

Went laboratory for another trial experiment right after the last paper, which this room in block N where we conduct our experiment shall be another frequent place to be visited in the next sem. At least, its not only library, tcr anymore? Seriously, I feel so lifeless..lol 

Though we shall have another experiment starting on 23rd till 25th which I will usually just stay there..But...I just wanted to go back so badly..so yea..called back, wondering whether my dad will be at Bangi so that he can fetch me back. Line busy, called mum and told her then she said: oppsss, papa is on the way back and is almost reaching already. So, I said I might go back tomorrow but need to come back uni on 23rd for another experiment and then she said: Wait! I am confused. So you need to be at uni on 23rd then why are you coming back for just only one day??? So.... I cannot go back is it? I shouted and mum realised what she had just said and start to chuckle on the other side of the phone. Yes, yes, come back if you want.

Well, went back home, had a great meal and my sister turn to me: You purposely come back to wash the dishes is it? (That day was Tuesday..) Staring at her: No! I wouldn't come back if I can remember today is Tuesday..lol who cares about doing dishes anyway as long as I am at home =)

Found this very big pooh lying on my side of bed every time I go back... Guess that stupid sister just couldn't stand the pooh sleeping on the not-so-comfy-chair alone huh..?
While me and ph was waiting for the fabrication of the device on 24th, both of us were so boring until we went walking around the campus, chilling at the tv room in radius with the sunlight striking our eyes from behind the tv (so not strategy place to hang the tv there). So we decided to go library, borrow some CDs and have some movie session before we go swimming. The usual very crowded library were left empty with only tables and chairs and books without any single human sign (errr...I mean students) since there were no more exams and courseworks to be submitted. 

Watched Adam Sandler's movie: Just go with it. Like his usual movie: funny, warm and a little touched with a happy ending. I always like to watch Jennifer Aniston thinking that she has a very sweet smile. It was truly enjoyable seeing both of my favourite actors starring in one movie..=)


Thursday, 9 January 2014

The Moment of *Silence*

Waking up at 2.40am in the morning, sitting alone in the dining room, doing revision for the coming exam in 5pm later with just the clock ticking sound accompanying... Ah yes, I can feel the peace and silence in this particular moment which I have always enjoy it.

The moment I liked it a lot but usually missed it due to my sleepiness and laziness....and honestly who would purposely sleep early just to wake up in 3am unless you are rushing for exams and courseworks? And the reason of not doing it often is the one to make it special. =)

Waiting for the sunrising moment which I liked the most and....*Poof* all the calm and silence belongs to the night time go varnish after the sun has completely rises.

Well, it is my final year now. Though treasuring this moment by starting my revision really doesn't make it special, but that is what I am up for.. Right? *Wink*
