
Monday, 20 May 2013


看小说无意间看到这首歌的歌名,于是去找来听发现还不错~ 重复又重复,我发现最近听歌都只听一首然后循环播放~ 听了,心静静的好像就躺在大草原树荫下暖暖的风一遍遍吹过。



每一年的生日总是坐落在考试期间,所以也不太期望有什么庆祝会。毕竟自己的书都读不完了也没什么心思想要庆祝。一直以来总是希望收到很多很多的祝福很多很多的礼物,后来开始觉得,这只是个形式。要不是FB,MSN 的提醒,这么忙碌的日子里谁会真正记得谁的生日呢?说穿了,这个节日是属于孩子和母亲的节日所以只有自己和妈妈最记得。也因此去年开始不再把生日日期放在社交网站,然后等着、看着有谁会真正记得。去年的祝福还是一样多的,也许FB 的威力还是不容小觑的一个传一个的。可是最让我感动的还是鸾小姐自制大卡片,里面满满的都是我们大家相识这么久以来的照片和回忆。

今年,大家都忙翻了…生日那天还要口试,结果回家收到一堆同学的祝福说:原来今天是你生日呀?搞什么神秘~ 不然刚才见到你就请你吃饭了! 呵呵谢谢你们噜 ^^ 我知道大家都忙的快吐血了 (包括我在内),所以有心就好~ 不过今年的生日还是有感动啦,收到从远远的台湾和美国寄来的录音(生日歌)。杨医生,我们认识快满10年喽!谢谢你这么有心 SKYPE 陪我度过那最后几个小时~ <3 还有还有,小小的插曲~ 同学刚好在那天问我:你什么时候生日啊?好像都没帮你庆祝过~ 我说:说了你要唱生日歌给我听!他一口答应:好啊,没问题。然后我就很兴奋的说:那你唱吧~今天是我生日。结果充满质疑的他不甘不愿的唱了还说我要求证!(笑翻了)

室友当天在准备第二天的考卷,复习得快跳楼的时候突然喊了一声:啊啊,对不起,我没良心我不是故意的!我记得你生日是5月8 可是我不知道今天已经5月8了!不要说我没良心,现在开车载你去买蛋糕。。。然后我很平静的看着她:我已经接受事实了,你还是乖乖准备你的考试蛋糕明天再补哈哈!结果隔一阵子她又再喊起来:FB 传言明天汽油涨价!管它是真是假,我要在明天以前去打油!走走走,陪我打油顺便买你的蛋糕…结果,就这样,我的生日蛋糕是顺便买来的!XP

最后,附上一首听到最好听的生日歌~ 感谢阿鬼先生通过 SKYPE 放了这么多首不同的生日歌!^^ 这是其中最喜欢的一首,听不厌,所以接下来的一天也在重复播放…


P/S:原本应该在 0508 当天更新的~ 不过本小姐考试考得昏天黑地今天实在不想念了才跑上来写一写~ =)

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Emeli Sande - Read All About It Part 3

Blog post title is the song name of this video. I think this shadow dancing group is call "Attraction", guessing from the video title posting on youtube. Its a performance in a show called Britain's Got Talent, very stunning and magnificent performance they have and is like WOW after watching it. =)

So... here is another performance of theirs telling the story of EXODUS.

And.. another one on the London Olympics 2012 Opening Ceremony


Wednesday, 8 May 2013

It has been a long time

It has been a very long time since I came visit my blog here. Such hectic semester of year 3 filling with all the courseworks, presentations and reports and its all finally come to an end where I only have exams left here before ending year 3 and step forward to another hectic life in the coming September.

Countless of sleepless night? Imbalance diet where you have got no time to eat? Oh, thats just another usual story of year 3 life which people bored of listening to. Anyway, its not that tough when you turn your head and look back all the way you have walked. There is still another long journey which the lyrics just pop out in my mind: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. So, in the end we all become invulnerable like Iron Man. LOL Yes, Iron Man~ I know is so random but honestly, Iron Man 3 was such a nice movie to watch. Totally worth to watch it in cinema. I never watch movies related to Iron Man before except for The Avengers but hell yeah I love him and even more after finish watching the show.

Another random topic here, finally got my visa to China and yes my very first backpack travel is coming soon when June reach =) To think of travelling alone for the very first time.. Ah~ Its an adventure. XD

Hopes tomorrow's oral test goes well. Pray Hard ^^
